Friday, 20 June 2008

Sex & the City Tee's

Blogland has joined the rest of the world going crazy about the new Sex & the City movie that when I saw these great t-shirts I thought it best to share with you!

If you're in the UK go here and for those of you in the USA here


Miss*Laurence said...

I like the last one best.
Are you allowed if you're not single?

Anyway, don't forget to publish some photos of you city! I have published the list already for tomorrow's one day holiday!

Priscilla said...

I have to admit I have never really seen Sex in The City! I know.....very bad,ha,ha but I do love the last t shirt, 'single and fabulous' I want one!

Priscilla x

volsul said...

je pensais faire un voyage d'un jour en ANGLETERRE aujourd'hui, tant pis, ce sera pour une autre fois !