My nan has a large box filled with photos at her house which I’m always asking her to show me. Unfortunately she won’t let me take any of them as she likes to have them close by.
I love old photo’s of my family although unfortunately we don’t have many from my mothers side, how sad she herself has never seen what her parents looked like “young”.
One happy find from home was an old video which was made containing all the old cine film from my dad’s childhood, it even includes images from my parents wedding (you can imagine how comical it looks when they’re dancing as it has no sound!).
A friend is helping me transfer these to DVD and then I’ll be able to give copies to my family as gifts.
Please remember last day to leave a comment for my giveaway is tomorrow (Thursday). Please leave your comments here to be included. I will be pulling a name from the hat Friday evening!

Hi Victoria, what a wonderful photo, and what huge bouquets the bridesmaids have! Yes, I agree with you about the charity shops, they are way overpriced and much too sanitised, too intent on being like a commercial shop. There are a couple I can visit which still sell just about anything at cheap prices, but even there it's rare to find much worth having. Can't beat a good old car boot sale I say.
Hope your week is going well,
best wishes,
Lucy x
Hello Victoria
I love old photos... they are so evocative and much more so in black and white..
Your Nan's wedding looked a very sytlish affair.. all those roses!!!!
Talking of charity shops.. all our locals seem to have very inflated and unrealistic ideas about some of the items..
Your thrifting in the U.S will be great fun!!
Michele x
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