So far this weekend is shaping up to be pretty good!
Friday I managed to sneak out of work a bit early (shusshhhh don't tell anyone!).
On the way home I was inspired with an idea for Karla's great aunts 100th birthday card challenge and having a few extra hours in the evening, out came my craft supplies (onto my bed of course!)
Here's the card I made, 100 years of beauty...

Then whilst my supplies were out I decided to get on with a tag request for a friend. I'd told him about my recent tag swap and he said he would like a Thundercats tag to hang at work.

Saturday arrived and off I went to the local charity shops.... this is what I found,
I knew when I saw this box it was going to be something I could use.

I wasn't disappointed, alphabet cards - great for crafting!

I was given Martha Stewarts Homekeeping Handbook for my birthday so when I saw this vintage Home-Lovers Encyclopedia I thought it would be a perfect companion.

There are lots' of illustrations, not to sure whether I will use it in crafts or keep it on the book shelf? What do you think?

One thing I can always find in our charity shops is vintage sheet music. I picked up some children's ones today. I seem to use a lot of sheet music in my crafting lately. I did get a strange look following this conversation,
"is the music for you?"
"what do you play"
"ermmmmm i don't, i use it for crafting"

A rummage in the sewing area and I came out with some buttons, lace and seam binding

And I love lidded glass jars so always happy to find one! Perfect for storing my "new" buttons in.
Fingers crossed the rain holds off tomorrow so I can go to some boot sales whilst I'm on a roll!
1 comment:
Love Aunt Caroline's card.
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