Cos this is mine....

I thought I'd show how I have to do my crafting and why it is not very frequent...

.... and if I ever wish to go to bed of an evening it all must be boxed up again and hidden back under my bed!
I am currently working on guidebooks for my friends prior to our trip to Las Vegas in April.

Usually I just hand over print offs from the internet but this year decided to make it a bit more attractive.

As you can see I've only covered the basic design.... I'd like to go back through the pages and add some fuss to them.

Now I know I haven't posted for a while but survey results from the Bella Pink Cafe's survey tell me you don't want apologies and excuses you just want me to get on with the good stuff so hopefully that's what I've done!
Thanks for reading...
PS Still can't work out why my spacing isn't happening properly!
Hi Victoria, all is well in the Bloom household, thank you, hopefully same in yours. Oh door, I do sympathize with you for having to craft on the bed, I just about remember the days of living at home. Mind you, these days even a whole house isn't enough room! What a great idea to make those brochures for your friends, they are very lucky to have you.
Enjoy the weekend!
Lucy x
I have craft stuff everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. I have to use the kitchen table and no way anyone lets me leave things there unless I threaten bodily harm to complete something.
I'm sure your trip will be fantastic and the brochures are going to be very cute. Please share when you are done with them.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Good luck with being a winner in my ATC Giveaway Contest.
At least you can fit your craft boxes under your bed!! I end up with my stuff in a couple of rooms while I am working on something.
Have a fabulous weekend.
It does make a differance to have a space set up, doesn't it? I like your guide books, what a great idea, to do books BEFORE the trip, not just scrap books after. Your friends will love them!
Hi Victoria, check my blog and your emails as you have won an ATC in my Giveaway.
Hi Victoria:) thanks for visiting me...i wish i HAD a craft room to love, all of my work goes on in the kitchen or dining room...i have issues with blogger all the time, spacing, photo up~load, etc and just this morning discovered that i can't see the bottom 1/2 of my page on the editing screen...ugggh...
Thanks for the comment. You didn't realize it but you're now entered to win a board! ;) And we've added you to our faves list! Your site's so cute! xo-Lolly Jane
Hi Victoria,
LOL now that is a craft room!!! hehehe! you could craft in your sleep, or maybe sleep on the couch!
Hi Victoria, could you email me your address again as with changing over computers I have lost my emails and therefore your address.
email me at
Thanks Alison
Guess I will be more thankful for my studio now :) I have had a "bad" attitude towards it for being too small and messy...but alas...I do have the entire master bedroom for my own use...and no bed in here...hehe!
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