Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Traditional Christmas Eve

Tonight I will be doing this

as has become tradition the past 2 years and I'm looking forward to my new nephew joining us this year.

We walk from the green to our local church for the childrens Christmas service and then onto our local chip shop finishing at my friends home for mulled wine and cheese and biscuits

I hope you and your friends and families are having an equally enjoyable Christmas Eve


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Sounds like a happy and merry way to spend Christmas eve.
Merry Christmas wishes to you and especially to your nephew on his first Christmas.

MelMel said...

Have a lovely time.....Happy Christmasxx

Country Cottage Chic said...

Sounds perfect!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Oooh I live Epping. I have lots of family who live in Epping and the surrounding villages and I myself used to live in North Weald for a while.
Have a lovely Christmas!

Shsjndkdns said...

Hope you have a lovely time! Yes I had fun with the decorations starting from scratch! Happy Christmas Eve! XX Gem

Linda said...

Have a joyous evening. After an early church service we'll be coming home for a light buffet and then we open one gift and the rest tomorrow. Merry Christmas...hugs, Linda

Priscilla said...

Merry Christmas! Sounds like you will be having a wonderful evening! Hope you and your family have a great christmas...

Priscilla x

Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful,Merry Christmas Victoria.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas! Twyla

Sherri said...

Victoria, Merry Christmas to you!

Lori said...

Happy Holidays my sweet Victoria! I have missed you so much! I so enjoyed catching up with all your posts! Your shopping trip made my outh water, such great shops!! Hope you recieve lots of goodies! Love,Lori